


Here’s a list of the projects I’ve worked on. I might start adding projects as I start working on them. Here’s right away a link to my GitHub in case you just want to quickly jump there:

Personal projects

Hidden message encoder and decoder in PNG Files

Command Line Interface program that takes a message from the user and hides (encodes) it inside a seemingly normal PNG image. Intermediate level project written in Rust.

Department Manager CLI manager

Command Line Interface program to help manage the departments of a company.

Blog App with Django

Blog app for writing and reading posts.

  • Posts have tags and the readers can find other posts that share the same tag clicking on every tag.
  • All users can read posts but only the admin can write new posts or add new tags.
  • Includes a working user authentication system.
  • Posts can be edited by the author.


Personal website

My personal website, the one you’re reading right now.

Online courses

CS50 finance

  • Implemented a simulator for managing portfolios of stocks, for Harvard’s CS50 online course.
  • Users can “buy” and “sell” stocks from real companies (with the stock’s real prices) and see their balances and total cash.
  • The information of the stocks gets pulled from Yahoo Finance.
  • This web app uses Python (Flask), HTML + Jinja, SQLite3 and some basic CSS.
  • Code: (You can also check out my GitHub profile from there)

School Projects

I did many school projects but I either lost the code for many of them, or don’t think they’re important or interesting enough to be included here.

Stop and Wait ARQ implementation

  • Also referred to as alternating bit protocol, is a method in telecommunications to send information between two connected devices.
  • It ensures that information is not lost due to dropped packets and that packets are received in the correct order.
  • Wrote both a Server and a Client for the correct functionality. Some tests consisted in disconnecting the internet connection between the client and the server.
  • The program was able to successfully transfer files of large sizes between the server and the client, even when the connection was lost.
  • Written in C for my Computer Networks course.
  • Code: (You can also check out my GitHub profile from there)

Using speech recognition to play songs on Spotify

Just a simple project for my AI Laboratory. I used some Python libraries like SpeechRecognition, Spotipy, Pyautogui and some others to receive and recognize speech from the user using the microphone and play the desired song through Spotify.